Pearl of Wisdom…or Not?

My first blog…what? At 42? Absolutely! This is my new journey and I cannot wait to share with anyone that is willing to actually read the words that spew out of my mouth onto the keyboard. Let me start with the site title background. My dad gave me the nickname of Pearl, that I have carried with loving memories throughout the years. Okay, maybe not all loving (i.e. softball games), but clearly I am trying to keep the first blog upbeat, so am I a Pearl of wisdom? Eh…that’s probably quite debatable and I can provide a list of names that would jump at the chance to engage in that debate.Maybe you pull some wisdom from my posts and by pull I mean yank…yank harder; then on the other hand, maybe you won’t, but it will be because you didn’t yank hard enough. I tried to tell you.

This is my adult playground that I will use to share truths, opinions, happiness, sadness, rages, hormonal imbalances and many other emotions/bodily functions, but mostly things I hope you will relate to. After reading my posts, I want you to say “umm yeah I did that…I feel ya girl.” Now remember how kind those words are and please check your hormonal balance before you click the keys because this too can be your playground if you are on the nice list. HAHA! Just kidding…it can be your playground where you say whatever you want with your nice/naughty self. It’s cool, Santa and I aren’t close.

Seriously though, I am looking forward to having a “Blogamily”…you know, a blog family. I may have made that up, I really don’t know and I am afraid to say because it could be a lie and I don’t want to start our relationship out with trust issues…especially for my Aries Fam. We all know Aries have deep rooted trust issues, but that’s for another day. So here’s to the next post with the first Pearl of Wisdom because we both know you didn’t yank hard enough to get one out of this!


11 thoughts on “Pearl of Wisdom…or Not?

  1. Alright birthday twin, sure I’ll join ya… thanks for asking… haha

    Who better to be the first to sign on to the playground than one who was born on the exact same day as you (so you could think of one or two, well too late, i was first anyway… lol)

    Then proceed sister Aries, we will read and respond (and yank as hard as humanly possible)


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